
Pregnancy Skin Care and Skin Issues

Nov 18, 2015
Pregnancy Skin Care and Skin Issues
Pregnancy is an exciting time that can bring many much-anticipated changes. Unfortunately, sometimes there are unanticipated skin issues associated with pregnancy.

Pregnancy is an exciting time that can bring many much-anticipated changes. Unfortunately, sometimes there are unanticipated skin issues associated with pregnancy. These pregnancy skin issues range from the merely cosmetic to the itchy and uncomfortable. The good news is that working with a board-certified dermatologist can help expectant mothers manage these conditions. Even better, your dermatologist can prescribe a course of treatment that is safe for you and your baby.

Stretch Marks

Of all pregnancy skin issues, this may be the one that plagues the most women. These red or pink marks that appear on the abdomen, buttocks, thighs and other areas appear troubling. However, it’s important to keep in mind that stretch marks are not harmful to you or your baby. Researchers have yet to discover a reliable method for preventing stretch marks during pregnancy. It is believed that using a good quality moisturizer can make a difference, but there’s no way to guarantee that stretch marks won’t make an appearance especially if your family has a history of the condition.

Stretch marks appear largely because of your baby’s rapid growth. Your skin simply isn’t able to keep up with the changes, which causes tears beneath the surface. These stretch marks tend to fade with time and as your body readjusts to its post-pregnancy weight. Nonetheless, you may find yourself looking for a way to minimize the appearance of stretch marks after you give birth. Your dermatologist may suggest a topical retinoid treatment. Alternatively, some patients respond well to laser stretch mark removal.

Pregnancy Acne

Your hormones wildly fluctuate when you are pregnant. This may mean that one of your old skin issues makes a dramatic reappearance. Pregnancy acne is basically the same thing as the breakouts you experienced as a teenager or that you still experience during your monthly cycle. It does not threaten your health nor the health of your baby. However, you may find yourself very annoyed by those breakouts.

The bad news is that pregnancy acne can be tough to treat. Many of the really effective prescription acne treatments like isotretinoin are forbidden to pregnant women because they are known to cause birth defects. Even some topical treatments that contain ingredients like tretinoin are considered inadvisable because a small amount of the active chemical that gets absorbed into the skin may affect the baby. Some dermatologists suggest that patients shouldn’t use products that contain salicylic acid as this may be similarly harmful.

Before trying any over-the-counter acne treatments speak with a qualified dermatologist. Your dermatologist can address your specific skin issues, such as pregnancy acne, in a manner that is both safe and effective. Many of the most powerful acne treatments may not be available to you, but there are several prescription and home remedies that may be helpful for clearing up pregnancy acne. Over-the-counter products containing benzoyl peroxide, azelaic acid or glycolic acid may be recommended. In addition, certain oral antibiotics, like azithromycin, may be prescribed as they are considered safe to use while pregnant. Your dermatologist can also suggest natural lifestyle alterations that can help control pregnancy acne.

Pregnancy Eczema

Expectant mothers may find that pregnancy eczema goes hand-in-hand with their condition. Stress is a well-known eczema trigger, and there can be no doubt that pregnancy puts the human body in a stressful condition. Scientists haven’t conclusively shown a causal relationship between pregnancy and eczema. That is, no one has proven that being pregnant causes pregnancy eczema. In fact, many women experience a reduction in eczema symptoms while they are pregnant. Others have problems like never before.

If you had eczema before, then it may not be safe to use the same treatments that you are accustomed to. Some of these may not be safe for your baby. Accordingly, it’s best to consult with your dermatologist and other health care providers before using cortisone, antihistamines or antibiotics. Your dermatologist can also suggest simple lifestyle alterations that can calm the condition. Taking short, warm showers and dressing in light, breathable layers are just two ideas that can reduce instances of pregnancy eczema.

Spider and Varicose Veins

Pregnancy skin issues sometimes include the enlargement of veins and blood vessels beneath the surface of the skin. Some women never experience these particular pregnancy skin issues. Others are plagued with them throughout their pregnancy. Fortunately, many of these spider veins and varicose veins disappear within the weeks and months after giving birth. For those that don’t, your dermatologist has many methods of diminishing their appearance or even making them disappear. From laser surgery to sclerotherapy and surgical removal, your dermatologist has numerous methods at their disposal for taking care of these skin issues. Also, ask your dermatologist for tips and advice regarding how to keep spider veins and varicose veins from coming back. Certain lifestyle changes may make a big difference in whether or not this condition reappears.

Be Proactive With Your Pregnancy Skin Care

Pregnancy skin care is an important topic. Many women don’t realize how many pregnancy skin issues may occur. However, when they do crop up these skin issues can become physically uncomfortable or at least difficult to deal with emotionally. That’s why it is essential to work with a board-certified dermatologist. Pregnancy skin care doesn’t have to be complicated, but it’s usually best to take a proactive approach. Schedule an appointment with your dermatologist if you are pregnant to discuss how you can protect yourself, your baby and your skin.